Damn freaking moody today .
Browsing through youtube and saw this pikachu thingy which is like damn cuuuuute! OMG :x
Posting this youtube videos, wish you like them cos they are 100% cuuuute!
If you like pikachu, you can just watch it :DD
If you hate pikachu, im warning you not to watch it before you will get total irritation . :x
The real voice of pikachu :D
Host: Ms. Ootani Ikue?
Ikue: Yes!
Host: Nice to meet you.
Ikue: Nice to meet you!
Host: You dub Pikachu's voice? Can you say "Pikachu" for us?
Ikue: Pi-KA-chuuu.
That one didn't work so well.
Host: It DID! You're the real pikachu, huh? How cuuuute! Could you say it again?
Ikue: Pika PiKAAA
Host: Oh, that's it! You're real! You're voice even changed a little at the end.
Ikue: I'm sorry!
Host: Sorry? It's too late!
I watch this when i was sad then watch liao keep laughing but the dance keep repeat one :x